Forums - Alpha 3:School is in session Show all 90 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Alpha 3:School is in session ( Posted by WMoose on 03:12:2001 06:50 AM: Welcome to my thread! I have been playing Alpha 3 a ton lately and I have noticed a lot more interest lately. There have been tons of questions asking about VC's and which ism is better so if you want to know anything just ask away. Posted by bahn on 03:12:2001 06:59 AM: I have a question...are you good? just teasing (just wanted to put in a response since no one's posted yet) The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:12:2001 07:02 AM: I hear that V-Karin is REAL deadly. Care to elaborate? Posted by fireballtrap on 03:12:2001 07:04 AM: Yeah, uh, how do you play Ryu? Seriously, I never really understood him in A3. But yet he is like on all the top tier lists. So what's his deal? Posted by WMoose on 03:12:2001 10:10 AM: Bahn:Better than you Buktooth88:If it wasn't 1AM Id awnser but I will get to you tommorrow. fireball trap: To use V Ryu you need to learn his VC's which are: (Opponent in corner)VC1-FP fireballs, repeatedly (Opponent in corner)VC1-red fireball, standing FP, fireball, standing FP, fireball{standing Fp, fireball} (Opponent in corner)VC1-b+FP, JP red fireball, RK hopkick, FP fireball {RK hopkick, FP fireball, Standing FP, FP fireball} (Opponent in corner)VC1-{Jab DP} his confusion VC is: VC2-c.short c.roundhouse jab fireball hopkick then crossup forward his midscreen VC is: VC2-jab DP, neutral RH kick, whiff a hop kick, fierce FB, whiff a hop kick, [fierce FB, jab DP towards recovery of FB] He has a good redizzy combo which is: (Near coner)Crossup w/ forward, low strong, rh hurricane, land, low strong, rh hurricane another good dizzy combo that Valle uses is: ducking shortx2 into roundhouse hurricane kick and on top of all this he has a crouch canceling infinite. Posted by bahn on 03:12:2001 10:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: Bahn:Better than you Hehe. Touche. The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by Evil Ryu on 03:12:2001 10:38 AM: Who is better V-ism Evil Ryu or Akuma???? and is there any difference between the Messatsu Gou Shoryu and the Shoryureppa other than that Messatsu Gou Shoryu hits 8 times in Lv 3???? Nothing that stands in my way will survive!!!! Posted by CompassSaviour on 03:12:2001 10:57 AM: I've never played A3 in the arcade, and in Dreamcast, the VCs are "screwed" from what I hear. Is the arcade a lor easier for VCs? What's the Diff? I can't get a lot of them to work at home. Posted by bahn on 03:12:2001 12:07 PM: Yup...they certainly are screwed, so if you thought it was you, relax - it's not The PlayStation version believe it or not is actually more accurate with doing V-ism combos, but the perfect solution for practicing (albeit having to use money) is the arcade. The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by the quiet GUY on 03:12:2001 01:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88: I hear that V-Karin is REAL deadly. Care to elaborate? hmmm... V-karin? well I play an ok v-karin and I would have to say its because of her otg throw vc's. there are lots of ways to start it and it leads into some nasty juggles. if she hits you while her v-ism is activated you will loose at least half your life if not more. if you block her guard crush vc does mean chip damage along with the guard crush. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:12:2001 02:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88: I hear that V-Karin is REAL deadly. Care to elaborate? I'm no means a Karin expert (if I want to win a match I'd rather use V-akuma or V-Gief) but from what I've seen: I find V-karin is so deadly because she can combo off her Arakuma Inashi (her 360-throw). Add this to the fact that during a VC she can grab during blockstun... ([B]the quiet GUY[B], she doesn't need to have her VC activated -- she can jump in with an attack then VC while the opponent is in blockstun). This basically means that Karin will whack 50% of your life if you so much as block her jumping SK, jumping JP, a cross-up FK (or practically anything with VC activated). There's no way out of it unless your opponent messes up. Since you're in blockstun, your only option is to Zero Counter, and that doesn't work well at all. Usually V-Karin will jump attack THEN activate VC. If you Zero Countered chances are your attack whill whiff through the VC flash (and even if the counter hits you've just lost a level of super and a block of guard meter). Her corner bug is also nasty, but I people good enough to do it are _very_ few and far between. Posted by Clash_Master on 03:12:2001 07:37 PM: I just got SFA3 for DC, why are the VCs "screwed", what do you mean by that? Also whats the best way to take more damage with throws like Zangiefs Stomach clutch, or Kens repeated knee. The computer can get like 12 hits with them and they are extremely fast, I can never get that many hits or that fast, how do I do it? Often in the evenings when its cool, I like to think about that old homeless man that I beat to death and how that made me so very happy. Posted by WMoose on 03:12:2001 09:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Clash_Master: I just got SFA3 for DC, why are the VCs "screwed", what do you mean by that? Also whats the best way to take more damage with throws like Zangiefs Stomach clutch, or Kens repeated knee. The computer can get like 12 hits with them and they are extremely fast, I can never get that many hits or that fast, how do I do it? Often in the evenings when its cool, I like to think about that old homeless man that I beat to death and how that made me so very happy. The VC's are screwed because Capcom went and fucked with the timing for some reason. If you also have a PSX I reccomend you buy that version instead since its like 20 bucks know. With the supers if you want them to do more damage you can A. Combo into it or B. Do it as a level 3 super. Posted by WMoose on 03:12:2001 09:27 PM: Karin has a few deadly assets. One being she has a VC that can be activated anywhere and still be effective. She has a good throw special that cen be used very well in a VC and a good guard crush. Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:12:2001 09:58 PM: anybody care to tell me some of those Karin VC's? Also, what's that corner bug? Posted by WMoose on 03:12:2001 11:15 PM: Buktooth88-The only Karin VC I ever use is: VC1:Midscreen repeated jab palm strikes you can also do this in the corner and come outwards to midscreen with it. I know her throw VC is better but I never use it. Posted by fireballtrap on 03:13:2001 12:37 AM: What's Karin's guard crush VC. Does it have something to do with the quick repeated RHs that I can't seem to do? Posted by Nos99 on 03:13:2001 01:06 AM: She has a few.. just try a mix of dashing punches ending with the upkick.. repeat repeat (corner of course). Switch if they get GCed or 360 grab when you get close.. Or vc1, normal into repeated rh upkicks.. does almost 20-30% chip damage and you can end it right at the end with a 360+kick and leave their guard meter flashing.. works anywhere, but not incredibly tight tho. The rh one is VC2, make them block a short cancelled into repeated s.rh. ex: VC2, d.short, s.rh, s.rh, s.rh.. as soon as you see the histspark form the first rh, do the next one.. she should go "yaa!yaa!yaa!yaa!" and you shouldn't get pushed out at all.. then you can try rushing in with the punches/overhead special for the GC/grab if you want. Here's an easy corner VC though..VC2, d.short x2, d.forward into short overhead special (opponent's block messes up), repeated fierce palmstrikes when you land, etc.. This is pretty damn hard to block (because of your shadow mixup), and all combos anyhow even if they don't block.. So they pretty much HAVE to try and stop it from happening (as with most corner VCs.. you just try and block you're still fuct). Even if they manage to block it, you can 360 grab them and go into her other VC anyhow. does about 40% i think? i haven't played A3 in ages.. [This message has been edited by Nos99 (edited 03-12-2001).] Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:13:2001 11:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88: anybody care to tell me some of those Karin VC's? Also, what's that corner bug? Here's the V-Karin combos I use: (VC2) 360 throw -> SP palm strike x 2 -> FP palm strike ender then... juggle with windmill punch until the corner then... juggle with FP palm strike ender Damage largely depends on where you are. The farther from the corner, the less damage you inflict, since the windmill punch does so little damage (note that if you start this combo with Karin's back to the wall, this combo will mess up). Should do a minimum of 40% damage, or up to 60-70% if you manage to juggle with the FP palm strike ender. The best place to start this combo is when Karin is about at 1/4 the length of the battle field. There are lots of ways to land this combo. As I've said, if your opponent is hit or blocks a jumping weak attack or cross-up his ass is thrown. Or you can blow through an anti-air with the VC flash. Or you can OTG right after a throw or a her double elbow strike -- which brings me to my favorite combo: Jump-in FP -> crouching FP -> palm strike x 2 -> elbow strike x2 -> (then OTG to the combo above). Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:13:2001 05:32 PM: Uhm, can anybody outline her OTG VC? I can do her backwards Shoryuken + punch (sorry, I don't know the name) after a 360° grab, but I can do the other combo with the OTG grabs. Anybody care to help? Any help is appreciated -------------------- I just love him! Who will ever forget that scene in Nibelheim?? HE beats every other boss! Posted by Clash_Master on 03:13:2001 06:20 PM: I mean how off is the timing? I have the PSX version (by the way I got the DC version for 20$) and it did not seem all the different. But what I was asking about the throws is that how can you get more hits? Do you just mash all the buttons or what? Also do any of you guys have any VCs for Blanka or Dee Jay? Posted by blt on 03:13:2001 07:20 PM: so far the most basic ryu corner vc's have been listed. but nothing advanced. so here is the real vc's of ryu in the corner. you do vc1 then fireball,[normal],fireball,hopkick,repeat. in [normal] you can insert an overhead, or low forward, or stand fierce, etc. the trick here is that if they are blocking the fb's in the corner, you can overhead hitting them into the VC...then deliberately insert a pause so they can block...then either low forward or overhead again.. it's too tight for them to escape easily (with no alpha counter), and breaks up into like 4 separate combos that all hit. this will kill any character in seconds. but lets say you just want to own them with damage. like your initial attack hits. vc1. fireball,neutral stand fierce, neutral stand fierce,fireball,hopkick, then [fireball,low forward, fireball, low forward, fireball,hopkick] until meter runs out. This vc is known as the "hado rave." it takes some good have to cancel each low forward into a fireball immediately to avoid being pushed out of range. the vc does around 90% damage to the average character. ouch. when the meter runs out you have a few choices. you can always go into hurricane kick for style. or you can use the new shadow hit only technique to go into an air combo. i.e. red fireball them to put them in the air. then do low strong , but want only the VC shadow low strong to hit the opponent. while that is happening, you want to do a jump strong to hit him. if you do it right they can't tech your combo. then you just do jump strong infinite until they die. Posted by WMoose on 03:13:2001 07:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Clash_Master: I mean how off is the timing? I have the PSX version (by the way I got the DC version for 20$) and it did not seem all the different. But what I was asking about the throws is that how can you get more hits? Do you just mash all the buttons or what? Also do any of you guys have any VCs for Blanka or Dee Jay? Its probably off by half a second or more. Posted by Mr.Slick on 03:13:2001 08:26 PM: I have been having trouble defeating Zangief using A-Ryu, A-Akuma A-Gen and so on, he seems to out priotize all of my moves in A3, for example gief standing fierce has crazy priorty and his anti airs are really effective, you end up jump kicking really early to beat them - which of course ends up with you being SPD'd. Am I using the wrong charchters or just being to offensive? Mr S Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:13:2001 09:42 PM: I just want to confirm, is Dhalsim's teleport combo: VC2, short slide, jab yoga fire, standing (far) forward, kick teleport, short slide, yoga fire, kick teleport... I'm havin trouble pulling this off... Posted by Jinmaster on 03:13:2001 10:02 PM: A-rolento question: For Anti-Air, I've used S.strong, J.jab, and to some degree S.feirce. Choi said once that S.fierce is a real good anti-air, but I've had trouble using it. I usually don't even trade hits, I just get beat. S.strong seems to work better, but I may be using it in the wrong position. I've noticed that a lot of good characters have moves that beat S.strong, like sakura's jumping Fierce. My other question is how do I approach a good V-sakura with Rolento? It seems I have no way of approaching her safely. Last but not least, can someome explain to me how you go about fighting Gen? I don't play A3 very much and a lot of his tricks catch me becuase I'm not used to fighting him. I mostly have trouble knowing when I should tech-jump out of moves in order to avoid supers and special throws. I usually end up having to c.feirce him with Rolento until he jumps, and then I have to pick my anti-air or have to block a long chain that will break my gaurd. I would appreciate any help that is given, especially in lamens terms becuase I'm not familiar with individual character moves terminology. Thanks for anything, -Micah Posted by WMoose on 03:13:2001 10:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mr.Slick: I have been having trouble defeating Zangief using A-Ryu, A-Akuma A-Gen and so on, he seems to out priotize all of my moves in A3, for example gief standing fierce has crazy priorty and his anti airs are really effective, you end up jump kicking really early to beat them - which of course ends up with you being SPD'd. Am I using the wrong charchters or just being to offensive? Mr S Well with A Akuma, your flat out fucked. With A Ryu heres what I do with him. Stay out of SPD range. Learn his range on this. Poke with low forward. The main thing you are doing wrong is don't jump in carelessly. It will get your ass killed. Be patient and if you see him try to SPD do a DP or if you predict it a fierce fireball. Stick with Aism on Gen and Ryu if your comforatable with it but switch to Vism for Akuma. Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:14:2001 12:29 AM: why is it that Japanese players prefer A-Dhalsim over V-Sim? From what I can tell, the supers are ASS. He also loses the b+jab for anti-air. Lemme see.... The "anti-air" super has NO priority... Yoga Inferno doesn't either, PLUS it has dinky reach and doesn't juggle well... Yoga Stream isn't too bad, but a regular super fireball is better IMO. So what's the deal? They've gotta know something I don't... Posted by blt on 03:14:2001 03:34 AM: the dreamcast version is 25% slower than arcade and psx. there is no way to get the correct speed on dreamcast: turbo2 is too slow, turbo3 is too fast. beating gief is hard with shotos because he jumps for free .. he can either jump fierce or jump nothing causing your dp to wiff. so its dangerous to try to stop him. it is a very hard fight. poking with low forward is ineffective against the most elite zangiefs..they have mastered the plus range SPD (the jab kara into spd) that gives his spd more range than low forward. in addition gief has power moves against shoto in the form of low fierce and jump straight up fierce (the latter is especially good against shotos). to tell the truth i don't know how to win that fight with the shotos heh. and the few times i have asked better players than myself (such as valle) the only reply i get is "it's hard." probably meaning you just have to kind of play it by ear.. Posted by WMoose on 03:14:2001 04:04 AM: Jinmaster-His best anti air is standing fierce, just connect it deep and it should at least trade hits. The reason your losing to Gen is just like you said, you just aren't used to him. Rolento owns Gen for free once you know what to look for. As for Sakura, blt pretty much summed that fight up too, "It's hard." Buktooth88-His supers arent ass, his level 1 supers are. I just play him like V Sim and when I get an opening use a level 3 anti air thingy. Posted by Gokuma on 03:14:2001 04:53 AM: I'd like to please get a deffinate answer on how to do Akuma's Demon flip, Ive heard conflicting answers. Posted by WMoose on 03:14:2001 05:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gokuma: I'd like to please get a deffinate answer on how to do Akuma's Demon flip, Ive heard conflicting answers. Demon Flip=D,DF,F,UF+P Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:14:2001 05:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by nE0|_i|_iTh: Uhm, can anybody outline her OTG VC? I can do her backwards Shoryuken + punch (sorry, I don't know the name) after a 360° grab, but I can do the other combo with the OTG grabs. Anybody care to help? Any help is appreciated Um, could you rephrase your question ? I can't make heads or tails of it. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:14:2001 06:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr.Slick: I have been having trouble defeating Zangief using A-Ryu, A-Akuma A-Gen and so on, he seems to out priotize all of my moves in A3, for example gief standing fierce has crazy priorty and his anti airs are really effective, you end up jump kicking really early to beat them - which of course ends up with you being SPD'd. Am I using the wrong charchters or just being to offensive? Mr S First off, switch Ryu/Akuma to V-ism. But here's a few tips: I have to disagree with WMoose. Akuma is better than Ryu, particulary against Zangief. First off, Their normals are pretty much the same, except that Akuma has the dive kick and his standing FP has nearly twice the hit area as Ryu's. The dive kick is insanely fast with high priority. There is nothing in Zangief's arsenal that can stop it other than a VC (more on this later). However, the dive kick has horrible recovery if you hit too high with it. If you hit Zangief on the head, it's likely you'll end up in an SPD. The idea, therefore, is to hit Zangief as low as possible -- try to aim for Zangief's thighs. This brings us to point two -- learn the distance from where to jump in with the Dive Kic. Unless you're in _that_ position, foreget it. Also, learn how to execute a combo right after hitting with the dive kick. I've met too many players who pause right after the dive kick. It's as if they were waiting to see of the dive kick will hit or not before going to combo. Always expect the dive kick to hit (even if it doesn't) then do crouching sk followed to a ground pressure of your choice (more on this later). Only V-Zangief has anything against the dive kick -- use the VC flash to blow through the attack, then VC away. This means that Z-Zangief (or V-Zangief with no meter) is at a severe disadvantage to Akuma (not even his super can save him from the dive kick... but his super _will_ catch Akuma if you mess up the dive kick and do a jumping FK instead, so _practice_!). Even faced with V-Zangief with meter, you should use the dive kick. Only very few players can actually VC against it. Now with regard to the standing FP... this is actually more useful with V-Akuma (so if you're using A-Akuma you can skip this). Akuma's standing FP has incredible hit area, unlike Ryu's. Ryu can't hit a crouching opponents with it, but Akuma can. And with Zangief's longer guard meter, it's almost impossible for Ryu to guard break him. Akuma can: (VC1) standing FP -> standing FP -> guard crusher The first two standing FP's will knock out half of Zangief's guard meter (and about 60% of anybody else). Now ground pressure... right after the dive kick, you can mix up Akuma's various attacks and keep Zangief on the defensive. Mix up crouching JP, crouching SK, crouching FK, hopkick, fireball, SK hurricane, axe kick (V-ism only), and dive kick. My favorite patterns are... dive kick -> crouching SK -> crouching FK -> fireball (don't do this if Zangief is in a corner) dive kick -> crouching SK -> crouching FK -> SK hurricane (the SK hurricane is pretty useful if you're using A-Akuma. It's pretty fast, and if Zangief reacts too late and tries to attack after Akuma lands you can nail him with a super or a dragon punch) dive kick -> crouching SK -> axe kick dive kick -> crouching SK -> crouching SK -> hopkick (don't get too predictable with the hopkick -- it's VC bait) dive kick -> crouching SK (repeat) (props to you if you can continually do this without spazzing out). If you're having trouble with the dive kick (or meet a good V-gief) then you have no choice but to poke. While Zangief has range on his side, Akuma has priority. While outside SPD range whiff crouching SP (only Zangief's crouching RK can beat it, but it's so slow you can see it coming a mile away). If he makes the mistake of trying a crouching FP Akuma's crouching SP will snuff it, then cancel into a FP fireball (this doesn't happen too often, though). You can also poke with crouching FK, but that risks a trade off. V-Akuma's axe kick is his longest ranged normal with good priority, but it's kinda slow. Faced with an opponent you've never met before you can do the "I'm-a-scrub-fakeout". Jump around tossing airfireballs. This irritates Zangief players and may lead them to think you don't know what you're doing. Heh. Overconfidence kills. Don't know too much about Gen. I've had Gen/Zangief matches before, but that was in the early days of SFZ3 when V-ism wasn't being used much. I've noticed Gen players tend to lay back and poke once in a while, waiting for Zangief to jump in (then they'd do a gekirou). They almost never jump. Once in a while they'd do a gekirou to fake out, land early, the do another gekirou to nail Zangief's outstretched fist. Gen players are now nearly extinct, thanks to V-ism. (Zangief walks up to gen, jump in, VC through anything Gen attempts then combo... too bad Z-Gen can't do the same since his V-ism isn't too hot). Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:14:2001 07:40 AM: Jinmaster: I don't play much Rolento, but when I saw you play saturday I have to say your rolento got much better. But from what I saw in japan, you need to be less agressive. Basically, the japan guy attacked with Alpha counters, leaving at least one bar then ran away to build more meter. IMO you can play vs sakura by not getting close, pestering her with pokes, low rh knives and running away, well that's how he should be played vs everyone too. As for sim, A-sim gets 3 bars to alpha counter. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by ShinRyuX on 03:14:2001 12:14 PM: Although, I'm pretty much a V player, A-Gen is still all right IMO. He's middle tier but a strong middle tier. Against gief players, he can cross up pretty well and has good pokes to play footsies with. But it is true that A-Gen are next to extinct because of Vism. V-Gen's range is just too short although it looks really cool. If you're using shoto like VRyu or VAkuma you can beat Gen's footsies almost all the time with low strong or standing short. This should make him pretty much a sitting duck. Mix in low strong, standing short with fireball in the face. Hop kick is really good against Gen too. Hope that helps. [This message has been edited by ShinRyuX (edited 03-14-2001).] Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:14:2001 05:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat: Um, could you rephrase your question ? I can't make heads or tails of it. Oh, ok, sorry. I'm sure you know her VC with all those OTG grabs, right? It goes like 360° grab, Tiger Knee motion, 360° grab again. My problem is, I can't OTG grab the opponent. I know when I have to grab, but I always fail. I know when the opponent is bouncing of the ground he is in a horizontal position. This is the moment when I have to grab. As I said, I always fail. I guess it's due to the Tiger Knee move. When exactly do I have to cancel the throw into the move?? -------------------- I just love him! Who will ever forget that scene in Nibelheim?? HE beats every other boss! Posted by Mr.Slick on 03:14:2001 05:55 PM: Do you know of any combo's with Gen Kick style, the best I can do is jump in forward kick, standing jab then standing short. Mr S Posted by Clash_Master on 03:14:2001 06:45 PM: You can control Dhalsims limbs? How?! Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:14:2001 10:22 PM: In A or V-ism, hold back while doing a move and Dhalsim will do a short version of it. Most importantly, standing b+jab into a yoga blast for anti-air. Posted by Jinmaster on 03:14:2001 11:50 PM: More on Rolento, I'm curious, how/why does Rolento beat Gen for free? Can someone explain the match to me if they have time? X.C.O.P.Y., Thanks for the compliment and the advice. Can you tell me how to avoid being gaurd broken vs Sakura? Every time I block a jump-in I block 4 moves and every time I counter a VC I lose even more. Any other advice? -Micah Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:15:2001 12:11 AM: for Sak... the best way to avoid a guard break is to avoid blocking her b+fierce. I don't mean take the hit instead, but there are a few things you can do. NOT an easy task, mind you... A common Sak setup is to do 2 c/jabs, a s/short, then a b+fierce into a fireball. DP THAT GARBAGE! Many Saks game plans revolve around pressuring opponents with the b+fierce guard damage. This is where the psychic DP's come in handy. Of course, miss one and you get a fierce into a fierce uppercut or worse... But I hit them with 1 or 2 psychic DP's and I guarantee you'll see a lot less of those b+fierces. If you don't have a move that's psychic DP material (Gen, Rolento, Chun, etc.) it's a bit tougher. An unorthodox, but effective technique told by Choi earlier is to jump and take the jump-in hit rather than run the risk of blocking her cross-up wrong or taking block damage. You'll lose a bit of life, but you'll be far enough away for her to have to get inside again. There's more, but maybe I'll post it later. Sak is top tier, so it's a tough fight for just about anybody. Posted by ShinRyuX on 03:15:2001 12:21 AM: Gen doesn't have too many combos in his kick style. He basically pokes here and there in the kick style. It's useful against fb characters since he's quicker and has a longer jump. Here are some basic combos: Jump in foward, low strong, fierce roll punch. If you are in the corner, you can land the kick super after the short. Even if they flash you will grab them. If you want to play tricky try this: in the punch style, land the countdown dizzy super. Then change to kick style and run away by using his flying sidekick. He can go from wall to wall. An insane tactic would be to try land a combo while the counter almost reaches 0. Then you land another combo. You can also mix in different styles. Try this combo, start off in punch style. jump forward cross up, low jab, low short, low jab, low forward, lv. 2 rush super, change to kickstyle, lv. 1 snake bite to grab the enemy. You can add a low strong before the lv. 1 snakebite but they can flash out of it. They won't be able to escape if you just do the lv. 1 snakebite. Here's another combo that doesn't really work since it can be flashed out of but it is really cool to look at. Do the same combo starting from the punch style: jump forward cross up, low jab, low short, low jab, low forward, lv. 3 rush super, standing strong, roundhouse water fall kick and tap the roundhouse in a rhythmic pattern and finish the combo. It does about 20-21 hits and looks totally awesome. I am not experienced in Rolento vs. Gen but here's why I think Gen would probably get owned by Rolento. Rolento would only have problems when he gets really close to Gen since his moves takes a little time to come out. Also Rolento is pretty easy to cross up and that's not where Rolento wants to be. Since Rolento can always control the space between himself and his enemy, Rolento has a distinct advantage in terms of positioning. Gen's ground game has been weakened a little since his limbs can be easily hit. Essentially, I think Gen would get out poked. For example, I think Rolento's low fierce would be very hard for Gen to deal with. This leaves Gen with only one thing: Jumping which Rolento can punish with standing strong. For you guys who play Rolento, the jump jab is often overseen. The jump jab is extremely safe and stops jump ins very well. It is ideal against characters such as Zangief who has a high priority jumpin(splash, knee drop). Hope that helps a little. Posted by Slick on 03:15:2001 01:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by bahn: Yup...they certainly are screwed, so if you thought it was you, relax - it's not The PlayStation version believe it or not is actually more accurate with doing V-ism combos, but the perfect solution for practicing (albeit having to use money) is the arcade. "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." I've heard this before. I was wondering, if anyone thought that the timing was changed on the DC version of the game because Capcom thought that V-ISM in the arcades was too powerful? Just a thought... Posted by lftrpllr on 03:15:2001 01:51 AM: Only V-Zangief has anything against the dive kick -- use the VC flash to blow through the attack, then VC away. This means that Z-Zangief (or V-Zangief with no meter) is at a severe disadvantage to Akuma (not even his super can save him from the dive kick... but his super _will_ catch Akuma if you mess up the dive kick and do a jumping FK instead, so _practice_!). Even faced with V-Zangief with meter, you should use the dive kick. Only very few players can actually VC against it. Actually a usefull tool ANY zangief has against the dive kick is the jumping stomach crunch (up + fierce I think). I know it sounds shaky at best but this move can cleanly knock akuma out of the dive kick (and potientially dizzy him). I saw lots of Z's do this last year at the SJG tourney. This isn't the perfect solution but it does prevent Z from being owned by akuma's dive kick. -wes Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:15:2001 03:33 AM: to Neo actually, the timing on the OTG grabs is that the opponent must by LYING FLAT on the ground, not bouncing, falling or getting up. Jinmaster alpha counter then run away to avoid Sakura. Since AC takes guard meter, I assume you must run away more often and poke her ass. Again...i'm no rolento expert though. [b]To Buktooth[b] quote: A common Sak setup is to do 2 c/jabs, a s/short, then a b+fierce into a fireball. DP THAT GARBAGE! Many Saks game plans revolve around pressuring opponents with the b+fierce guard damage. This is where the psychic DP's come in handy. Of course, miss one and you get a fierce into a fierce uppercut or worse... But I hit them with 1 or 2 psychic DP's and I guarantee you'll see a lot less of those b+fierces um..sorry but no. That combo is safe. If you screw up, you won't eat a b+fierce -> dp, you will eat a VC. You can *TRY* to dp it, but how? its too safe. anyways..console version accuracy is like this.. saturn -> psx -> dc. Get the saturn version if possible..if not, get the PSX. DC version is TOO different. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by WMoose on 03:15:2001 04:04 AM: Alright first up ShinRyuX-Personally I think A Gen is better, one reason is you don't have to fuck w/ switching styles in a VC. Second you get super access which are better than just about any VC he has. And you don't lose anything. V is ok but A Gen is a really good character. Jinmaster-First of all to avoid getting guard broken against Sakura theres not much you can do. But thankfully with Rolento you can run away like mad Or you could do the smart thing and take the jump in hit in the air. If you don't take it in the air, well that would just be dumb and you would get stuck in a VC. Rolento wins for free against Gen mainly because of Gen having to rely on an upclose game. Therefore Rolento gets to poke, then runaway poke then runaway etc. all day and Gen can't do much about it. But you do have to be careful with your pokes. If you don't you will probably get crossedup and eat a super. Posted by j-hova on 03:15:2001 06:30 AM: Could you please tell me how to use A-chun it would be a great help to me since you are teaching so much stuff in this post...... thanx J-HOVA "THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS" Posted by bahn on 03:15:2001 07:13 AM: No..*pushes J-hova* teach me!!!!! I want to learn too! The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by Orochi Kim on 03:15:2001 07:58 AM: WMoose did you get my Email regarding Rainbow Mika? Taekwondo is the sport of Gods - Orochi Kim Posted by ShinRyuX on 03:15:2001 08:31 AM: Yeah for an A-ism character, Gen is pretty good. I never use V Gen although I've tried to use him. The custom has no range so it sucks ^_^. I agree he's much better in in A-ism but he just can't stand up to Vshotos. Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:15:2001 07:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by X.C.O.P.Y: to Neo actually, the timing on the OTG grabs is that the opponent must by LYING FLAT on the ground, not bouncing, falling or getting up. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew[/B][/QUOTE] Oh really? I always thought that I had to grab when he's bouncing? That technique worked for me when I was learning the BAS combo with V-Akuma. -------------------- I just love him! Who will ever forget that scene in Nibelheim?? HE beats every other boss! Posted by Jinmaster on 03:15:2001 08:20 PM: More on Gen, When should I and when should I not flip out of his anti-air moves? Seems like when I do one thing, I get thrown and if I do another, I get supered. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me becuase I just don't play A3 very much. My other question could be found on gamefaqs but if anyone wants to take the time, could someone explain what the countdown super does and how it is used competitively? It also seems like I should not be jumping in on Gen at all, becuase that multiple kick thing seems to have a lot of priority. So I should stick to long pokes and anti-airs? Other questions: How do shotos like V-ryu and V-Akuma beat an expert(Cole-quality) Dhalsim? I've seen Choi do things like run away doing backward jump hurricanes to build meter and then savagely attacking with a V-ism. But surely there is more to it than that, are there any accepted ways to jump-in on Dhal? Do hurricanes pass over his yoga-fire? ISM question, What characters still do well in A-ISM? I can't do a single VC in the game but I can win with A and sometimes X. I'm just curious about how much more powerful a V-Ryu is over an A one, and the same with other characters. The only characters that I have seen successful in A so far are Dhalsim and Rolento and sometimes Ken and Charlie. Other than that, everyone seems to pick V. Anyone who cares to explain: What are the secret ISMs, how do you get them, which ones are banned from tournaments, and why. Thanks, -Micah Posted by ShinRyuX on 03:15:2001 08:59 PM: When fighting Gen, just fight on the ground. If you use VRyu, VAkuma, just beat Gen's ground moves. I wrote about this earlier. With VAkuma, just VC him when he jumps in or over power his ground move. Use lots of hop kicks, fb in face, standing short, low strong against him. VRyu has a hard time getting on Dhalsim. VAkuma has a much better chance since his midscreen VC is so useful. Run away and VC and repeat. Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:15:2001 09:54 PM: Mouko: There is always a slight gap between the jabs and the fierce. DP in that gap. Don't believe me? Play Choi with Sak. You'll get away with it maybe twice, then he'll start psychic DP'ing your fierces. Of course, you can opt to fierce less often and try to bait him into a DP, but then Sak loses a major part of her game. Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:15:2001 10:10 PM: Um... I don't know the proper way to quote soooo... X.C.O.P.Y. um..sorry but no. That combo is safe. If you screw up, you won't eat a b+fierce -> dp, you will eat a VC. You can *TRY* to dp it, but how? its too safe. Uhmm... that's why I said a fierce into a fierce uppercut OR WORSE. And alpha countering is definitely NOT the solution. Why in the world would you want to throw away a chunk of your guard bar (not to mention a super) to avoid being guard crushed? It doesn't make any sense. Alpha countering plays right into Sak's hands. BTW, who are you? The only high level players I know who still play A3 at SVGL are Choi and myself. Granted, Choi beats me quite a bit more than I beat him, but besides him there aren't really any other players that give me any sort of challenge. Besides Vietloc and Choi, everybody just plays me once, maybe twice, then gives up and goes back to CvS. Posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE on 03:15:2001 10:17 PM: Ok heres my question exactly how much invincability does V-ism give you when you break into a vc? I aM tHe LiZaRD KiNg I cAN dO ANyThiNg! Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:15:2001 10:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: More on Gen, When should I and when should I not flip out of his anti-air moves? Seems like when I do one thing, I get thrown and if I do another, I get supered. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me becuase I just don't play A3 very much. My other question could be found on gamefaqs but if anyone wants to take the time, could someone explain what the countdown super does and how it is used competitively? It also seems like I should not be jumping in on Gen at all, becuase that multiple kick thing seems to have a lot of priority. So I should stick to long pokes and anti-airs? The countdown super is the Dim Mak move. If the last hit (the one where he pokes you with a finger) hits you, then there'll be a timer ticking down above your head. If you don't hit Gen by the time it hits zero, you will be dizzy. If you manage to hit him, it goes away. AFAIK, it isn't used much competitively, unless you get the opportunity to combo it. quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: What characters still do well in A-ISM? I can't do a single VC in the game but I can win with A and sometimes X. I'm just curious about how much more powerful a V-Ryu is over an A one, and the same with other characters. The only characters that I have seen successful in A so far are Dhalsim and Rolento and sometimes Ken and Charlie. Other than that, everyone seems to pick V. Basically, any character that doesn't have a damaging VC is better in Aism. Rolento, Guy, and Gen are accepted as being better in Aism. I'm not quite sure why people don't play V-Dhalsim, but I think it has something to do with the damage factor, seeing as how V-ism does less damage on normals than A-ism, and that makes Dhalsim (already low damage) even lower. Both of them can teleport out of juggle combos though. Basically, V-ism is better because VCs are a more efficient way to use your meter. You can use it to blow through an attack and start a combo, which some supers won't always do. Plus, no matter what you opponent is doing, you can practically walk right through it most of the time. You can use a VC as anti-air, go through fireballs, use with low attacks/cross-ups/overheads to confuse people, and if all else fails, use then to guard break people or just to chip a lot. Some characters also have really easy infinite set-ups that use VCs, like Ryu. Others (sodom, zangief, akuma) just have really long damaging ones. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by WMoose on 03:16:2001 03:25 AM: Characters that are good in Aism are in no particular order are: Dhalsim Ryu Zangeif Charlie Rolento Gen Guy Chun Li Bison Balrog Ken Honda Sodom Rose Characters that can be used effectivly in Xism are: Ryu Chun Li Dhalsim Rolento Charlie A Ryu does take a big hit in effectiveness with the loss of VC's but he is still an excellent character. All three versions of Ryu are very scary if in the right hands. Posted by WMoose on 03:16:2001 03:32 AM: On beating Dhalsim with Shotos I don't believe any of there Hurricanes go over yoga fire. You need to land a midscreen VC or you winning isn't gonna happen. Psychic DPing comes into play here alot, or atleast it does anytime I play the match. DPing his limbs works well too. After a few he won't be to anxious to stick them out anymore. Once you land your VC just poke away. The only time I ever jump in on Dhalsim is when there is an assured crossup. If you do manage to get this crossup you can do two different things: 1.Do his dizzy combo which is: C.LK, C.LK, Roundhouse Hurricane Kick 2. Do his redizzy combo which is:Crossup, low strong, rh hurricane, land, low strong, rh hurricane I go for option one nine out of ten times because the redizzy combo is flipable, number one is too but no one flips out of it, hardly. And you have to be near the corner for the re-dizzy to work. Posted by WMoose on 03:16:2001 05:29 AM: neo|i|ith-when doing that you do have to grab when they are entirely still, but it does look like they are getting up because the frame for grabbing them is so fricking low. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:16:2001 07:08 AM: quote: On OTG's... Oh really? I always thought that I had to grab when he's bouncing? That technique worked for me when I was learning the BAS combo with V-Akuma. I think Akuma's demon roll OTG differs from 360 OTG for the following reasons: first, the demon roll takes a long time to execute -- where Zangief would wait until the opponent is flat on his back Akuma has to rolling in the air before that. Two, I have a feeling Akuma's demon roll OTG is more similar to Karin being able to hit an opponent after an Arakuma Inashi -- it's not a _true_ OTG, but rather the ability to hit an opponent during the animation frame that he's bouncing. For example, Vega can throw an opponent into a corner, then hit the opponent with a FP or Red Impact as he bounces. Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:16:2001 10:01 AM: to nE0|_i|_iTh quote: Oh really? I always thought that I had to grab when he's bouncing? That technique worked for me when I was learning the BAS combo with V-Akuma. Nope. The rule is they must be lying flat. You must have been thinking you were grabbing him when he's bouncing, but when you actually pressed it was when he was lying flat. When I do BAS combos, I learned to watch the frames and react on it. Its an easier way for me, since demon flip is so slow you can see the opponent. When I do OTG with Karin or something, its pretty much on feel/practice. Some characters fall/get up faster/slower than others, so you have to take that in account to. (most notably Gen and Sakura) To Jinmaster quote: When should I and when should I not flip out of his anti-air moves? Seems like when I do one thing, I get thrown and if I do another, I get supered. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me becuase I just don't play A3 very much down flip (hold down and press PP) quote: It also seems like I should not be jumping in on Gen at all, becuase that multiple kick thing seems to have a lot of priority. So I should stick to long pokes and anti-airs? You can airthrow it, but its too risky (unless you are Akuma/sakura, who both have fucked up throw ranges) For the most part, when I play Miguel's Gen I try to bait him into jumping at me. quote: How do shotos like V-ryu and V-Akuma beat an expert(Cole-quality) Dhalsim? I've seen Choi do things like run away doing backward jump hurricanes to build meter and then savagely attacking with a V-ism. But surely there is more to it than that, are there any accepted ways to jump-in on Dhal? Do hurricanes pass over his yoga-fire? I don't know about Ryu, but Akuma is jumping in with Short HK/Dive kicks, do a few walk up s.jabs then go into B + rh, repeat. Sim has a hard time punishing it (unless it's A sim and he has meter, he can Alpha Counter) quote: What characters still do well in A-ISM? I can't do a single VC in the game but I can win with A and sometimes X. I'm just curious about how much more powerful a V-Ryu is over an A one, and the same with other characters. The only characters that I have seen successful in A so far are Dhalsim and Rolento and sometimes Ken and Charlie. Other than that, everyone seems to pick V. Top A characters IMO are Sim, Guy, Gen, Nash. Questionable ones are Karin, Blanka (I saw a few good ones in Japan) and Rolento (imo he's not that solid) The only secret Ism there is that's "useful" in the arcade is L-ism. I don't know if you saw at CVGL the last tourney, I was fucking around and picked L-ism Karin. Well she (and a few other characters) have a throw glitch which lets her do 99% damage on anyone if thrown, around 50% if they tech. To pick L-ism, hold jab + short and press start when you put your credit in, then pick your character. Glitch is in the arcade only. To Buktooth88 quote: Uhmm... that's why I said a fierce into a fierce uppercut OR WORSE. And alpha countering is definitely NOT the solution. Why in the world would you want to throw away a chunk of your guard bar (not to mention a super) to avoid being guard crushed? It doesn't make any sense. Alpha countering plays right into Sak's hands. Yes, Or worse, which means that its not a safe option. You say DP it during the gap, but the risk is not worth the reward. And Rolento doesn't *NEED* guard bar, he runs away. That's why Rolento and Sim in Japan alpha countered every chance they had, Rolento doesn't guard cause he runs, Sim doesn't guard cause he keeps away. quote: BTW, who are you? The only high level players I know who still play A3 at SVGL are Choi and myself You're kidding right? There is no competition at SVGL. The only people that actually know anything about the game that actually play are Me, Choi, Kim, Ricky and Miguel. Btw, I'm an asian guy with long hair and glasses. I play everyone, but I mainly play now V-karin, V-akuma, V-sakura, V-Sodom and A-guy. I will be at the CvS tourney this saturday if you want to play. quote: Besides Vietloc and Choi, everybody just plays me once, maybe twice, then gives up and goes back to CvS. I must not be there when you play, I'm usually there on the weekends but I play A3/3s (as in, the game nobody dares to touch) more than any other games combined. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:16:2001 10:11 PM: I'm not sure who Kim and Miguel are, but Ricky's not that much of an A3 player. He knows a few fancy VC's, but he doesn't know how to stop V-Dhalsim. On Mvc2, on the other hand, I get my ass handed to me on a platter... Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:17:2001 02:27 AM: Ok, thank you X.C.O.P.Y und WMoose. I'll go and practice that again. Now another question. It's about VRyu. To be more accurate: his Confusion Combo. Whenever I do that combo against the CPU he kicks my ass with a Super. How come? I suppose I'm too slow, huh? But is there a way to guarantee that the shadows hit? -------------------- I just love him! Who will ever forget that scene in Nibelheim?? HE beats every other boss! Posted by WMoose on 03:17:2001 03:01 AM: Its not a combo really, its for confusion. You probably ARE doing it right but it is not supposed to combo. Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:17:2001 03:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: Its not a combo really, its for confusion. You probably ARE doing it right but it is not supposed to combo. Oh, I wasn't accurate enough with my post. Sorry, I mean when I jump over the opponent and hit him with a Cross up, is there any chance that the shadows that are still on the other site hit him right before he can counter? -------------------- I just love him! Who will ever forget that scene in Nibelheim?? HE beats every other boss! Posted by WMoose on 03:17:2001 03:42 AM: No that dosen't happen, but if the counter before you hit them after the cross up then you are doing it too slow. You need to combo a Jab or something after the crossup then continue with the VC. Posted by Truedragon on 03:17:2001 05:43 AM: Ok I'm just starting to play this game(a little late though lol) and could you offer any basic tips? i read all SRK articles already and I can't thank the people who wrote them enough. I'm kinda still experimenting on characters,so nothing to ask about one person yet. Thanx Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:17:2001 06:45 AM: Miguel is a tall black guy who uses A-gen very good. Kim is a viet guy who uses Honda/Sakura/Akuma a lot. As for ricky, ricky's V-sakura is solid and his V-karin is WAY above average. V-sim? Shit..who the hell plays V-sim there, let alone Alpha 3. All the people that "play" the game who use sim are shitty. A few times the Cannons will jump in, but other than that, none of the sims have given me trouble, and sim is my worst match up. But show up on saturday, I would like to play some more people in A3. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by VietLoc on 03:17:2001 07:07 AM: wait till i learn dhalsim than youll never beat me xcopy muwhahaha. unless you pick honda. i have seen the true power of honda! its no joke! Posted by Combo Master on 03:17:2001 07:10 AM: Do I have to enroll first? (j/k) "The answer is only important if you ask the right question!" Combo Master JJ's Fighting Game Realm Posted by Orochi Kim on 03:17:2001 07:32 AM: Can anyone please answer about Cody please look AT MY POST. Posted by Orochi Kim on 03:17:2001 08:22 AM: Thanks a lot for the reply and for the strats. I put them to good use and make you proud . Taekwondo is the sport of Gods - Orochi Kim Posted by nex2me on 03:17:2001 09:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE: Ok heres my question exactly how much invincability does V-ism give you when you break into a vc? I aM tHe LiZaRD KiNg I cAN dO ANyThiNg! The timing fir V-ism is critical, but when done correctly open up that can of whoop azz. Take for instance, someone activates a super in A-ism.(Ken's DP super) just before it hit you VVVVVVWWWWWIIIIINNNGGGG!!!!(Sound of V-ism being activated) and you can counter with easy. (kind of) You can use that first frame of V-invincibility to go through supers in the air. Most refered to it as drop in. Take X-Sim's super....5 hits air or ground. But vvwwwiiinnngg right through it if you have jumped in the air. In short that first few frames if V can be your best friend. Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:17:2001 09:50 AM: To vietloc I don't fear Sim anymore....I can get past him. Foh if you learn honda, I must find a way to coutner..he's way to good indeed. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:17:2001 10:57 AM: To X.C.O.P.Y. I play Miguel a lot, just didn't know his name. He's always complaining about V-Sak and V-Sim being overpowered. I can pretty confidently say that I can beat him consistently, although Gen's air super can sometimes be problematic against Sim. If Kim is his young Viet friend, then I haven't played him since before MvS2 came out. The Cannons play a decent Sim, but the few times that I've played them, they haven't been able to stop my V-Dhalsim. I've only played Ricky about 5 or 6 times, but the matches were surprisingly easy. He owns me at any other game, though. Bleh. As for you... an Asian guy with long hair and glasses doesn't really come to mind. Shrug. I only go on Tuesdays, and occasionally on a Thursday or Friday, so you can catch me then. New competition is always welcome. Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:17:2001 09:11 PM: I've never seen you play, oh well. I never go on weekdays, Sunnyvale is a 40 minute drive from my place I have usually have school and work, so I head there on weekends. Miguel is always complaining about everything, but I still think his Gen is the best up here. As for Ricky, I don't know what to really say. He's playing A3 now seriously (he like leanred V Karin in one day at Choi's house a few nights ago) and was doing well with her, I guess you should play him more now that he's into it. Tony's Sim is ok, but I think Tom's sim is way better. Too bad cole/nelson don't play..they "retired" since Crouch Cancel was discovered. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by Overkill on 03:17:2001 11:44 PM: How does john choi play v-gief? scat scat tat tat Posted by Nos99 on 03:18:2001 12:28 AM: Try searching for it.. i think Choi has responded to many threads asking about V-Gief. Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:19:2001 11:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Overkill: How does john choi play v-gief? SPD everything. Know the range on full range SPD and know what ranges to stay just outside of to make people whiff attakcs on you. Anti-air VC [VC3, quick double lariat XX S.Fierce XX Fierce-banishing hand XX S.Fierce ... (corner) S.Roundhouse XX S.Roundhouse ...(end) Jab-Banishing XX Fierce-SPD] is pretty much all you need. You can use Kattobi cancel (F.Strong, cancel VC right away) to suprise some people by going over fireballs and stuff, but that's usually way to risky unless you're 100% confident you can do it. Everything else is basic Zangief tactics. Quick Double Lariat as anti-air. Poke with C.Fierce, S.Forward, C.jab and F.Strong. Jump in with J.D.Short, J.Fierce, J.D.Fierce (cross-up) or nothing and SPD as soon as you land. Jab-SPD whenever possible, and Fierce when you're closer (more damage). Not too much else to say. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by WMoose on 03:20:2001 02:40 AM: And learn the maximized SPD distance. Posted by Truedragon on 03:20:2001 06:23 AM: Ok I've decided to learn Chun Li. I tried all her ism's and found out she is too weak in A-ism(it seems that way to me), and has a pretty solid X-ism and V-ism. So could you give me any good Chun li Vc's and X-ism combos. Thanx Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:21:2001 07:24 PM: About that Kattobi cancel. Is it possible on DC? And is it hard to pull off in the arcade version? -------------------- [tag? tag? taaaag??!?!?Where are you?] Posted by WMoose on 03:22:2001 12:20 AM: Truedragon-Ask Bahn Neo-Yes, but hard Posted by bahn on 03:22:2001 03:37 AM: TrueDragon: Yah, I got a thread already going specifically for Chun/Charlie, feel free to visit it (I am in the middle of something at the moment) so posting there will help me to remember: Improving your gameplay (specifically for Chun/Charlie players) The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:22:2001 03:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by nE0|_i|_iTh: About that Kattobi cancel. Is it possible on DC? And is it hard to pull off in the arcade version? It's not that hard. What I do (I play V-Gief) is just hit the button that activates the move, and then immediately afterward, kinda like some of the moves in Tekken that require you to hit another button right away. It looks like this in tekken games: 3~2. So, in SF, it would look like this for Gief: F.Strong~VC2. If you do it right, Zangief should fly across the screen. I'm not too sure about other characters, but I don't think anyone else has one that's as useful. I know rolento's will freeze the game against the computer. I think sim's just makes you float for a bit. I'm not sure about the others though. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by WMoose on 03:22:2001 05:28 AM: hehe I meant to put Yes but NOT hard. Oopsy! Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 03:22:2001 05:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by FluffyXXL: It's not that hard. What I do (I play V-Gief) is just hit the button that activates the move, and then immediately afterward, kinda like some of the moves in Tekken that require you to hit another button right away. It looks like this in tekken games: 3~2. So, in SF, it would look like this for Gief: F.Strong~VC2. If you do it right, Zangief should fly across the screen. I'm not too sure about other characters, but I don't think anyone else has one that's as useful. I know rolento's will freeze the game against the computer. I think sim's just makes you float for a bit. I'm not sure about the others though. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Thank you for explaining. I guess I got it. I played Tekken some time ago, but that was really long ago. But I remember the technique that you are reffering to. Thanks again -------------------- [tag? tag? taaaag??!?!?Where art thou?] Posted by Evil Ryu on 03:22:2001 10:39 PM: I'm a shoto player, I play all shotos on the console versions including Evil Ryu. Recently I have lost my skills when it comes to playing Ryu/Evil Ryu/Akuma. I am wondering are there specific footsie games that can be played with those 3 characters, I use A- ism and V-ism (I'm still learning V-ism) are there any specific tactics against other Ryu, Evil Ryu and Akuma players??? (My friend plays them too....... and we had a match yesterday and I lost horribly 5 to 9) Nothing that stands before me will survive!!!! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:51 PM. Show all 90 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.